Victoria County Studio Tour – Sept. 28-29 & Oct. 5-6

2021-07-07T13:52:17-04:00September 16, 2019|

This year's Victoria County Studio Tour is approaching fast.  Once again I will be participating as a guest artist at Janet Tysiak's studio with Janice Addison.  We had a lovely time last year and I met so many different people.  The studio Tour is all over the Kawartha Lakes, and Janet's studio is in Fenelon Falls. We will be at: 35 Lagoon Drive Fenelon Falls, Ontario CR 121; Francis St. E (CR 22) for 2 [...]


2018-02-06T12:23:14-05:00August 25, 2017|

Rabbit (linocut) While I have been taking the month of August off from pottery/ceramics to give myself a break and refresh, I've been playing around with Linocutting.  I took a day course a few months ago to introduce myself to this and I've had a great time!  I will likely incorporate it into future clay projects in the future, but for the moment I am loving the immediacy of it.  No waiting for [...]

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