Fox from Lisa Naples WorkshopI just came back after a week away in Doylestown, PA from a course with Lisa Naples.  She is a ceramic artist that I have long admired and I had a wonderful time.  We were there a week and the seven other participants (along with me) all making our choice of sitting animal sculptures.  We didn’t know what the others were making until we got to the class.  There was a kangaroo, a sea otter, a ram, a chipmunk, a bird and three foxes!  I was one of the foxes.

I learned so much from this course and look forward to making many more animals in the coming months.  I highly recommend not only this course, but just taking a course once in a while.  It doesn’t even have to be in the discipline that you work in.  A couple of years ago I took a linocut course and it was a revelation!