How a Working Class Couple Amassed a a Priceless Art Collection

2014-08-04T11:07:48-04:00December 22, 2013|

By Jed Lipinski Herb Vogel never earned more than $23,000 a year. Born and raised in Harlem, Vogel worked for the post office in Manhattan. He spent nearly 50 years living in a 450-square-foot one-bedroom apartment with his wife, Dorothy, a reference librarian at the Brooklyn Public Library. They lived frugally. They didn’t travel. They ate TV dinners. Aside from a menagerie of pets, Herb and Dorothy had just one indulgence: art. But their passion [...]

What Value Art?

2018-02-06T14:32:47-05:00December 2, 2013|

There was a lot of talk last week of the sculptures by artist Timothy Schmalz when his sculpture "Jesus the Homeless" was blessed by the Pope on November 20th.  Prior to that, he couldn't get any church to display the sculptures.  But of course, since the artist and his work got recognition by the Pope, someone has decided that the sculpture (a resin version) may be worth something. It's sad that an artist's work only [...]

Made you look, didn’t I?

2017-08-25T20:26:44-04:00November 20, 2013|

This site was created because of a piece of art I made.  I created a tile (or rather two) of the QR code for this site.  The general idea was that people are so fixated on their devices that even at an art show they would be driven to scan a QR code to see what was behind it. So the irony would be that they would be at an art show, looking [...]

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